Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Corunna's Pleasant New Addition

Meet the new Corunna varsity boys basketball coach, John “Rocky” Buscemi. Residents of Corunna may ask why people call him Rocky, “My middle name is Rocko and I was never called John a day in my childhood”.
However, he does have a conspiracy to why his middle name is Rocko, “Rocky The Movie came out in 1977 and that is when I was born. Another part of me thinks maybe my dad just really liked the movie. Trust me, I was not a boxer.” Only his father would know the true meaning of
his son’s middle name.

Rocky hails from Detroit Loyola (all male prep school) where he has coached and taught for 16 years. One of his major highlights has been taking his previous team to the state championship where they lost to Flint Beecher in a very close game. Buscemi is now happily married to his wife
Chloe and has a 14 month old baby daughter named Charlie. Like all new parents are, he stated, “It’s all about the little one”, which was what lead the Buscemi’s to our passionate community. “Our whole idea is to plant roots and raise our daughter in this community while building this program.” The Buscemi’s have recently moved and they love everything about their new home. Rocky, who is used to morning rush traffic into Detroit Loyola has been very relieved that he does
not have to deal with all of the rush anymore. “A 25 minute drive with barely any traffic in the morning is really refreshing.”

Corunna basketball’s future seems to be in good hands as Rocky made it very clear that he hates losing more than anyone he knows. “We won’t know the true success of our program until four, five, even 10 years down the line when guys come back to help out our program because it meant so much to them. Or when they come back just to tell me that they got
married, found a career, etc. That’s when we will know how successful this program is.”.

From our conversation during a school day, Rocky seems to be optimistic about the new era of Corunna basketball. “I love
it here, it’s better than I could have ever imagined. Everyone is so supportive here. I’d be lying to you if when I took this job,
I didn’t think about the movie ‘Hoosiers’.” If the upcoming season is anything like the movie “Hoosiers”, we are in for one wild ride.

Being from Corunna, I have taken a lot of liking to the food that our little town has to offer. When I asked Rocky about
his “go-to” meal, his response was very simple, “I always love a good burger.” I suggested that he should go try out
“South 401” right in the heart of Corunna. If anyone else has any suggestions to where our new community member
should sit down and eat, tell him about it!

With time ticking away as Mr. Buscemi and I talk about his life, a closing remark that I would say touched base with not only me but everyone I know was stated “The more I get out of the way and trust the direction that God is taking me, the better things seem to turn out. We truly feel that we are in a great place”.

Join me in welcoming our newest Cavalier coach! JOHN “ROCKY” BUSCEMI

What a time to be a Cavalier!

– Josh (Richy) Richardson

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